Caught Yesterday
Submitted by The Saint on Tue, 2015-09-29 11:54
Ok, please correct me if I'm wrong, but this looks very much like a gold band snapper.
Caught Sunday in 88 metres out from Rockingham My id book says " tropical species found as far south as Carnarvon".
Have any other members caught these around Perth ? This is the first I have seen here. The missus followed up with a smaller model half an hour later.
Posts: 330
Date Joined: 06/09/14
Goldband jobfish
I would have to agree.
The yellow lines around the eyes says goldband to me and a good sized one at that!
Posts: 15044
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yep, looks a hell of a lot
Yep, looks a hell of a lot like a Goldband.
Love the West!
Cruise Control
Posts: 973
Date Joined: 03/11/10
definitely Goldband.
definitely Goldband. Favourite chew.
Posts: 1385
Date Joined: 23/07/12
Now that looks the part.My
Now that looks the part.
My moneys on goldie, but my eyes are stuffed on the small screen.
Very nice on the chew!!!
More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!
Posts: 623
Date Joined: 26/09/12
Your right, Goldband for sure.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
They come a bit further south than Carnarvon.
Common nw of kalbarri outside Big bank, and west of the Abrolhos in deep water. Of Dongara as well?, Rubies are out there. But Rocko is a good stretch south of there
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
If you would like to pass onto me the co-ordinates I'll gladly go there to check it out for you. Just to make sure it's not a singular lost fish lol
Posts: 152
Date Joined: 19/02/15
Thats a goldy alright.
Thats a goldy alright.
The Saint
Posts: 475
Date Joined: 30/01/13
Thanks meglodon
Thanks for your generous offer meglodon, but I already know it wasn't a singular lost fish as the missus also bagged one !
Posts: 248
Date Joined: 03/08/15
A goldban for sure and they
A goldban for sure and they are pretty good on the chew too.
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
its why we go fishing
great catch its why we do it
just do it.
Posts: 211
Date Joined: 02/01/12
Picked up a couple of
Picked up a couple of goldband off Cervantes on the 90 metre mark back in April couldn't believe it next drift over the same ground a near size red emperor