Bunbury fishing from tinny
Submitted by Big Damo on Thu, 2018-06-07 10:37
I just bought my first tinny and I am looking for some advice. I live in Bunbury and would like to get the tinny out over the winter months to catch just about anything that’s on the bite. Any and all advice will be appreciated. Cheers
Posts: 824
Date Joined: 22/07/10
Learn to read your sounder
Learn to read your sounder and fish are closer to shore than most people think.
if you ever remember ant simper on the cover of wangler with a big jewie on the cover,nearshore Bunbury.
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Pretty cheap sounder on the
Thanks for the advice! It has a Pretty cheap sounder on the boat but I will get the model and do some research on using it. It’s only a 3.6m tinny with a 20hp on it. How far would I have to go?
Sea goat
Posts: 999
Date Joined: 26/03/17
haven't fished out of
haven't fished out of bunbury, but am also new to boat fishing....have found that having a light burley trail is really helpful, and always having a bait floating out the back while bottom bashing is a good idea...have picked up some unexpected good fish this way!
also have found that keeping the occasional small whiting, or even filleting a skippy for bait can make a big difference if nothings biting on the old squid and mulies.... pretty basic stuff, but has worked for me so far!
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Thanks for the advice! Yes I
Thanks for the advice! Yes I love a good Burley trail from shore based so I will definitely be into that! What have you picked up on the float?
Posts: 458
Date Joined: 25/10/14
Just off shore from the breakwater around to the groin
You'll be a chance for herring, tailor, sand whiting or skippy.
If your tinny is capable out around the ships for snapper.
A bit of crabbing to be had, more so in late summer.
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Thanks, I have been told
Thanks, I have been told that’s a good starting point. What method? Trolling for tailor or bottom bashing, metal slugs for herring is always fun from shore so I’m guessing you could pick them up the same way from a boat? Very keen to get some pinkies but I am fairly new to boating and I’m not sure if I would be comfortable going out to the boats just yet! I have heard of people getting them fairly close to shore though?
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
damo , if you have a 4 wheel
damo , if you have a 4 wheel drive, you can also launch from binnigup/preston beaches with that size rigg on good days and venture out within 2nm , you will pick up fish either drift or drop pick and burley
same to the south down as far as busso mate, make sure you have all your safety gear and check weather , etc, you will get a feed easy enough once you spend the time out there having a go
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Thanks for the heads up. I
Thanks for the heads up. I live in dalyellup and have access to a 4wd. So i think that might be a goer. What am i looking for on the sounder i have been told its pretty flat out there ?
Posts: 1147
Date Joined: 09/01/08
Even launch from the huts
Even launch from the huts Damo if you know where that is? Don't have to fish over 15 metres mate to get good size snapper this time of year. Just anchor and berley and flick unweighted mulies on 2 hook snelled rig.
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Nah could you explain where
Nah could you explain where they are please?
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Nah could you explain where
Nah could you explain where they are please?
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Nah could you explain where
Nah could you explain where they are please?
Posts: 670
Date Joined: 05/01/12
The huts are a beach
The huts are a beach launching spot in Stratham at the end of Rich Rd. Can't launch there at the moment as the entry to the beach has been washed out in the last storm and theres a six foot drop off. At the moment launch at Busso and fish in close for snapper. We've been getting plenty in 8-10m.
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
yes I know the spot. I had
yes I know the spot. I had heard of the huts before but didn't know that was it!!!
I get back from work on the 19th so hopefully the weather is good and I will try Busso!
8-10 meters sounds pretty close to sure for one of my first trips!
thanks for the heads up!
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Thanks for the heads up. I
Thanks for the heads up. I live in dalyellup and have access to a 4wd. So i think that might be a goer. What am i looking for on the sounder i have been told its pretty flat out there ?
still trying
Posts: 1074
Date Joined: 27/06/17
You can get free nautical
You can get free nautical maps off of dot on the internet download it and try find anything you can. Ive got my first sounder now and its so much better than just looking over the side of the boat.
rather be fishing
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Boat came with an eagle
Boat came with an eagle strata 128, I’m pretty sure it’s a cheap piece of crap but it’s better than nothing! I have been looking at the lowrance hook2 4x gps which allows you to plot way points. anyone got any advice on a good cheaper range sounder I like the idea of built in gps so I can mark spots I come across
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 05/08/16
Look for second hand HD’s
Look for second hand HD’s units mate well worth the extra money and less hassle in operation.
Posts: 659
Date Joined: 21/09/09
Mate I only just got a Raymarine dragonfly 4 Pro for my tinny. $500 for the sounder/GPS unit and imo it's worth every single cent! It really is essential for me to have a split unit as marking spots is key to time efficiency on the water!
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Cheers for the heads up! I
Cheers for the heads up! I will suss it out. I have been looking at the garmin striker plus 4 cv cause it does temp speed depth gps and chirp but it doesnt have maps just way points, any thoughts on that model?
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
https://www.whitworths.com.au/dragonfly-5-pro-cmap"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
After some research on the
After some research on the dragon fly i have ordered a 4, it should be there when i get home from work in 10 days i hope!
Anything important i should know?
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
After some research on the
After some research on the dragon fly i have ordered a 4, it should be there when i get home from work in 10 days i hope!
Anything important i should know?
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Yep, +1 for the dragonfly, I have the 5 in my dinghy.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 17/06/10
4 mile reef...runs North
4 mile reef...runs North south cant miss it on the sounder. jumps up ~2/3 meters as you head out, then tapers back down to approx 18 meters.
You would be surprised how much good fishing is in close...but nothing beats time on the water. Get some marine charts and have a look.
Cheers and good luck.
Well, it wouldn't be if it wasn't...
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
I have got some marine
I have got some marine charts and have spotted some holes drop offs and holes fairly close to shore off the huts is that what i should be looking for? Or am i on the wronf path?
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Huts this time of year can be ok...Snapper and the like...
go out from Bunvegas-
Head out past the breakwall from Bunbury outer harbour (as you head north out from say Powerboat club ramp)
hang a left and head due west (270 Deg) being mindful of the bank that builds up there in winter (don't cut the corner too close)
see the ships out there? they normally sit off about ~5/6 miles. if you come back in one mile from them and have a sound around you can hopefully find the 4 mile reef.
Have a few drifts, if you feel game, anchor up and berly up. Be patient, expect to catch a lot of Wrasse. If you are catching wrasse, you are on the right sort of ground.
It's all about having a crack. Join the Powerboat club as a member, go be a decky on someones boat on a few comps. That will help you learn a few of the spots/trips and tips. Fishos can be quite secretive mate...like trying to nail an eel to a teflon board whilst wearing boxing gloves when asking for "Spots" to fish.
Hell, me and a few mates even used to follow Pro cray boats out 30 miles at 4 am to get some new ground (No I am not endorsing you do this in such a small boat) Craypots are also one to look for. have a drift, don't be scared to anchor and burley. Don't use your sand anchor on the reef...you WILL lose it ( I had a huge collection of sand anchors from my diving days in Bunno- mate and I found 4 on one dive alone one year)
Binningup is also a good spot. that "4 mile" runs off there in about 20 meters also.
Good luck...
It's called fishing for a reason ;)
Well, it wouldn't be if it wasn't...
Big Damo
Posts: 93
Date Joined: 06/06/18
Thanks for the heads up. I
Thanks for the heads up. I am back from work this afternoon and my new sounder (Raymarine Dragonfly 4 pro) is there waiting for me to fit it. After all the advice i have gotten I have download the nautical charts for my area and identified some holes and ledges i think may be a good starting point, combine that with my new sounder and the fact i have the next 12 days off im hoping the weather permits me to go hunting for my first couple of honey holes! I will definately give that reef a look if the weather is good enough.
Thanks everyone who took the time to give me some advice and anyone else who has any to offer i would still appreciate some help.