Bimini Treatment
Submitted by Glass Off on Fri, 2018-06-15 12:45
G'Day All,
It was a glorious day out yesterday. Scored an awesome LAGO (Late Afternoon Glass Off) perfect to test the new boat.
Can any one let me know if there is a treatment for Bimini material.....mine is a little thin and I am wondering if there is some sort of rubberised spray-on goop that could be applied and extend the life of the material before it wears through. Or is it a simple case of when it wears out it's kaput?
Love Ya Work and tight lines.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
dont know about a treatment
dont know about a treatment but for new canvas it shouldnt be to pricey. had a complete bimini made for my boat including the bar work for 2 1/2 k
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Bimini- Who did it for you?
HI Russ n Sandy,
Who did your bimini for you? I am in the market...
Well, it wouldn't be if it wasn't...