Another squid fish
Hey all.
Got home from work yesturday at 2 and asked my mate if he wantd to go for a squid later on. We got ready around 6.30/7 and got there around 8ish. First look at the spot and there were heaps of people on the rocks. They hant got anything but were all going for squid. They were useing cheap 3.5s and working them near the surface. I found a rock inbetween everyone but out of people's way and started casting my Yamashita Glow white jig in 3.0. I let it sink heap with lots of pauses and had one third cast. Everyone around didnt mined to much. I then hook another and then another as i was getting the third squid off he had a follower and i thought i would try and get it to but as i flicked the jig out it caught on one of my squid on the rocks that was still alive and ended up in the water shooting off lol. Anyway a jig change to a Yamashita Naory 2.2 and short flicks in close and i had another two on the rocks. By this stage people were getting annoyed and one couple at the point of the rocks yelled out Really we havnt got any in an annoyed voice. I had a person casting infront of me trying to caught squid and then another move to my other side and was also cast over me and then some one had to nerve to stand on pretty much the same rock as me and try and cast and i was like no man the squid are every where not just here. Anyway with all these people not catching i caught another couple ending up with 6. I was just about to leave when i sore someone hooked up to a squid, they really didnt want to lose it even tho it was small and they lent over the rocks lost balance and fell in and they also lost the squid. He wasnt hurt and was laughting.
Had enough of people casting over me so went to woodies and it was blown out so i walked down to the end and was casting over the north bank and it was really hard to tell what my jig was doing. A few casts later i hood an alright ( 15cm hood), that made the others look even smaller. Any way that was the end out the night with 7 small bait size squid for me and my mate also got the 1 but hes not very patient.
I have photos but my computers still buggered getting it fixed this week i hope so ill have some photos then.
Cheers danno.
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