Fishwrecked welcomes new Site Sponsor - Mackdog Tackle
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2022-12-13 08:07Hi All,
As part of the offer from the new ban to try support local business, whilst this doesn't quite qualify the intent, the owner has been a FW member and contributor for 14 years so happy to help out.
Fishwrecked members can save 15% off using code “Fishwrecked15” at
- 6943 reads
Fishwrecked welcomes Site Sponsor - Marine Skins
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Fri, 2021-07-16 16:35Hi Team,
Please make welcome our new site sponsor; Marine Skins
Marine Skins are the first to offer complete DIY Boat Wrap Kits conveniently sold online. They have gone to the effort of providing a comprehensive instruction guide on their website to aid you in wrapping your own boat at home and they happily provide support and advice wherever needed. Marine Skins use only Avery Dennison Wrap Film which, if you have read anything about wrap films, you will know this is the best quality product on the market and very easy to apply. Marine Skins Boat Wrap Kits are very reasonably priced and by installing yourself you can save many hundreds of dollars. If you are still not confident in taking the DIY route, you can always purchase one of their wrap kits and hire a local wrap installer to help you out. Marine Skins wrap designs are exclusive to them and cannot be purchased elsewhere. New designs are uploaded to their site regularly – this is definitely one to check out!”
- 12669 reads Welcomes - Emission Fishing Apparel
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2021-05-12 09:54Hi Gang,
Please make welcome our new site sponsor, Emission Fishing Apparel.
Emission fishing apparel Is a local new age apparel company with a difference, Our purpose is to not only make ultra-high quality and stylish fishing apparel made to last. But to RE-invest into recreational fishing schemes and initiatives through the sale of our products that will benefit all. We have such a huge passion and drive to give back to recreational fishing, that we already have some projects on the way. We are currently working with Recfish West on trying to get some fish cleaning stations down at Hillary’s boat harbour, for ease of being able to donate frames to fisheries for whoever wishes to donate…. Or just general fish cleaning for you and your mates.
We are also always running competitions and giveaways on our Instagram page. Through winter we will be running $1000.00 for the longest Dhufish posted while wearing one of our hoodies. Our Winter range is minimal as we have just opened our doors and we are gauging the market for our next release. It is all Dhufish inspired at this moment, however our spring/summer range we are expanding to cover men’s and ladies and different species and fishing styles. Clothing is mainly streetwear but will also have branded fishing shirts coming up.
We totally enjoy giving back and would be totally stoked to see you guys representing the brand and supporting a local company striving to do good things for the community!
Follow The Journey!!
- 13310 reads
Shore Catch Competition of the Month Poll March 2021 - Best Comment on Snapper Snapper Snapper Post
Submitted by Mick C on Sun, 2021-03-28 19:55Shore Catch story of the Month winner - Sept 2020 - Piggy's Mackerel Islands
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2020-10-13 19:01Hi All,
Congrats to all the entrants of the Shore Catch story of the month for September, being a close count with Piggy taking it out from Roddo by 1 vote and Regs closeby. Congrats Piggy, please PM me for your prize.
- 14599 reads
Fishwrecked Welcomes new Site Sponsor - Dirk Hartog Island
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2020-06-09 12:24Hi All,
Please make welcome our new Site Sponsor - Dirk Hartog Island. Well worth thinking about for your next holiday destination!
First discovered in 1616 Dirk Hartog Island is a unique place that offers a multitude of travel experiences. From the luxury of the Eco Lodge to some of Australias finest camping locations, Dirk Hartog is unmatched for its getaway options.
Located in World Heritage listed Shark Bay, the island is over 80 kms long and has endless kilometers of secluded beaches and bays perfect for getting away from it all. The rugged west coast faces the vast expanses of the Indian Ocean with towering cliffs offering spectacular views to the horizon.
Having operated as a tourist destination since 1993, the island has seen numerous visitors who often return year after year for their slice of island life. The latest addition is Endeavour bar and café that looks over the beautiful aqua waters of Shark Bay. You can get to the island by boat, plane or by taking your own 4wd. Dirk Hartog offers some of the countries best 4wd driving experiences with the ability to load the car with camping and fishing gear and head over on the purpose built carrier vehicle barge to explore all of the islands hidden locations.
Of course being surrounded by water means there is unlimited opportunity for catching fish of all sizes. The island offers all types of fishing experiences either for hard core fishing groups chasing big pelagics, snapper and the islands famous gropers from cliftop locations to those that like the idea of relaxing on a beach casting a line for whiting or flathead. The diving is also world class with many isolated reefs teeming with fish and offering tasty painted crays. Whatever your chosen fishing activity is, you will not be disappointed. Just remember Dirk Hartog Island supports resposnsibile fishing activities and this is reinforced by Fisheries WA who ensure it is well monitored and effectively managed.
For more infromation please checkout the website
- 16669 reads
gnaraloo gnightmare - Shorecatch Story of June 2020 Winner
Submitted by scotto on Fri, 2020-06-05 14:05This is my shore catch comp write up. Its a long-winded read, but well worth it!
It happened to a mate on a trip we had to Gnaraloo 2 years ago. Names have been changed to protect the retarded.…
A mate (Jimmy) towed his 8m jackman, with his 100 series Brunswick 6.4L landcruiser to gnaraloo. We met up at the start of the king waves kill sign, but as my boat was lighter to tow, I ended up leaving him behind, and it took me approx. 2 hours from there to the 3 mile, where I would be based for the next 2 weeks. 4 other families were with us, and most (jimmy included) were only there for 1 week. Jimmy’s misso has a ball to attend the following Saturday in Perth, that she has organised…
As he pulled his big Jackman through the camp a good 2 hours later, he managed to shred the side of one of his trailer tyres on the rocks on the driveways. No big deal, shit happens… everyone sets up camp, and we crack a few beers, and settle in. weather looks good for the next few days.
A couple of days later, he takes his boat out with some of the fellas, and I take the misso and kids out in my boat a few hours later. We bump into him on the water, when he asks if I have any fresh water in my car. Turns out his radiator on his cruiser has sprung a leak, and is losing water. We cruise back together, and due to approaching bad weather over the next few days, I retrieve my boat. We try pull the big jackman out on the trailer, but she’s too heavy on the sand, and the cruiser is losing water fast out of the radiator and cooking. I disconnect my boat, and give the jackman a pull, no good…… Another car strapped to mine, still no good…. 3 cars, 2 hours, multiple bog matts, and a lot of bystanders helping later, we get the big jackman onto the high and dry. No big deal….. Shit happens.
I hook up my boat and head back to the 3 mile. Jimmy hooks up the jackman, and slowly cruises to the homestead, to ask for some radiator water… he returns to the camp a good 3 hours later, cruiser hissing and blowing steam. He dropped the boat up in the main carpark. We let her cool for a bit, and pull the radiator out. She’s got a mysterious gouge at the top….. No big deal, shit happens….. Luckily, one of the boys is leaving the next day, and offers to take it to Carnarvon to get repaired.
Next day, STRONG northerly winds whip the camp into a dust storm. Our mate leaves Gnaraloo with the radiator to get repaired. We all start on the beers early, as there is not much to really do otherwise. Throughout the day, the wind picks up even more, and one by one, the camps start packing up, anticipating a big storm approaching. We hit the sack early (after day drinking all day from 9am), and Jimmy opts to not sleep in his dodgy tent, and sleep in the cabin of the boat…… a good move….. The storm hits HARD that night. I had to readjust guy ropes and tie the tent to the car all through the night, as 100km/ph gusts and 100mm of rain tear through the camp. Jimmy’s tent gets flattened and essentially destroyed, and the next day he removes over 100L of water from inside the tent. All his and his misso’s belongings, bedding, clothes, etc are saturated. No big deal…. Shit happens. We all spend the next day recuperating, and repairing our camps. Jimmy erects his shelter, but will sleep in the boat from now on.
We also start wondering about how Jimmy’s radiator is going, as we had not yet heard from our mate that took the radiator to Carnarvon. The pay phone at the 3 mile camp wasn’t working, and there was no internet available. No big deal… shit happens…. We drive to the homestead to try their phone, and after many attempts at contact, we finally get an email from him…… The radiator is irreparable, and as its not a standard landcruiser’s engine (it’s a Brunswick diesel), will require a new one from perth. Our mate has secured the correct radiator (the last one available in Perth apparently), and its on a truck to Carnarvon, available the next day! Bewdy! Could things be getting better….. like fark will they…
One of the other boys agrees to drive jimmy to Carnarvon the next morning, to collect his radiator, but they return 30 minutes later….. Turns out the shire of Carnarvon has closed the main road, due to the amount of water on the road from the storm! A possible $1,600 fine if you’re caught driving on the closed road…. Shit happens, but this is starting to become a big deal……
Discussions that day, the boys opt to leave in the dark of the next morn, and run the risk of the fine. Jimmy has to leave by no later than the next day, as his misso has the large Ball she organised and has to attend. They make their getaway, and return around 5 hours later with the radiator, and also a replacement spare tyre for the trailer (that he shredded on day one). The radiator fits like a glove, and gets plumbed back in. just before they are about to give her a test start, one of the fellas spins the fan by hand to check its clearance, and thank golly he did, as one of the fan blades was ROOTED. It was bent, and it was the one that caused the damage to the original radiator. It would pass on the wrong side of the shroud, and gouged the top of the radiator open! We trim the blades and start her up, and she purrs like a kitten. They throw all their shit in the boat, we fare them well, and they leave to trek back to Perth.
my trip gets remarkedly better from here. The weather turns it on for us, and I catch BULK fish and drink heaps of cold beer, with just the misso and kids, and 1 other mate and his family. We obviously don’t have contact with the other guys, as there’s no internet, etc at gnaraloo. Its not until we get into Carnarvon a week later, that we find out the rest of jimmys trip disaster…..
as he left the 3 mile, he shreds his brand new replacement spare tyre on the trailer. No big deal…. Shit happens…. He swaps it out, but crawls back to Carnarvon to get another spare tyre. Once at the tyre shop, the mechanic informs him that every single one of his trailers hubs are rooted, and he urges him to fix them before driving back to perth. Jimmy does not have time (or after the week he’s had, the patience) for this, and tells the mechanic to swap the tyre only, which he does.
Jimmy decides to not travel too fast with potentially dodgy hubs, so the 9 hour trip from Carnarvon to perth takes closer to 16 hours…. and as he approaches the great northern hwy intersection at Muchea at around 2am the next morning, he starts to see the end of the disastrous week he’s had, and starts to see the light…. Although it turns out its not quite the light he first thought it was…..
Another car approaches them from behind, flashing his lights, and bleeping his horn. They pull over….. turns out one of the wheels had fallen off jimmy’s trailer about a kilometre before, and has smashed head on into this guys car! No big deal…. Shit happens…. Except THE GUY IS AN UNDERCOVER COP…. Ouch.
They exchange details, and the cop leaves his car there to be collected by the tow truck. Jimmy is well over everything now, so opts to leave the boat where it is, take the misso home, and collect it later that morning.
As he unhitches it, a banged up, piece of crap car pulls up to him, and the driver with his finest meth-fuelled tone, asks “whats going on mate”? Jimmy hesitates to try and explain whats going on, but captain meth-head is already beaming his glass-barbie eyes onto the $100k boat, loaded with quality fishing and camping gear, and trailer with the missing wheel being stranded on the side of the road. Methy mc meth-meth starts to ring his methy mates…. Jimmy can not leave this boat here……
He calls his dad and brother in law, over 1.5 hours away, and now around 3am. They drive with a trailer to Jimmy, and unload everything they can into the trailer, to lighten the boat trailer’s load. They then take his misso back home, and Jimmy CRAWLS back to Perth on 3 wheels and at 40kmph. He arrives back to his house approx. 7am. They sleep, and then attend the ball later that night. it is here jimmy’s story ends….
except it starts back up again, when a month later he spends close to $2,000 repairing his trailer....
no big deal.... shit happens!
jimmy and his misso are still together. they will never camp again.
- 14843 reads
Shorecatch and Fishwrecked - Fishing Story of the Month Competition
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Thu, 2020-06-04 11:29Morning All,
Shorecatch and Fishwrecked have teamed up and decided to run a monthly fishing story competition on the site over the next 6 months, and possibly longer if goes well:
The rules:
- Stories will be judged that are entered between the 1st of each calendar month;
- 3 independent judges from the site have been chosen by Shorecatch and will decide on the winner;
- Please enter your stories into the fishing discussion thread;
- Please keep the language civil or if really needed to emphasise the moment, use some characters S#$@! etc.
The prize is your choice of one of these knives listed below, variation to the prize can be discussed with Shorecatch if wanting to put on credit for skinning, slicing or sharpening knives/items (higher value items).
All winner stories will be promoted to the front page (unless requested otherwise). Hoping to read some good yarns over the coming months.
Adam & The Shorecatch Team
- 14991 reads
Fishwrecked Welcomes new Site Sponsor - Southside Boating and Fishing
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Fri, 2019-04-12 09:40Hi Team,
Please make welcome our new Site Sponsor - Southside Boating and Fishing. The team are currently setting up a new webpage, but can be contacted at the below in the meantime and will have a new site account setup shortly.
We are an independent, family owned one stop fishing and boating shop.
We specialise in deep drop fishing, soft plastic fishing, jigging, land based, game fishing and more and can cater for any budget.
Our friendly staff are experienced, passionate fishermen who love what they do and are happy to assist you with any of your fishing and boating needs and wants!
So come down and see us on South Street in O’Connor and check out our great range and competitive prices – mention you are a Fishwrecked member to get 10% off full priced stock.
- 23564 reads
Fishwrecked Welcomes new Site Sponsor - Mackerel Islands
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2018-05-29 07:10Good Morning All,
I'd like to welcome aboard our new site sponsor; Mackerel Islands
The Mackerel Islands began with a dream of fishing, fun and adventure fuelled by mateship, hard work, and business built on good old fashioned trust and handshakes. 43 years later the unique, rugged, unspoilt beauty of the string of ten islands and atolls that have become known as the Mackerel Islands still abounds. Of these ten, two islands welcome guests with accommodation, facilities and activities – Thevenard Island and Direction Island.
These islands are a discontinuous extension of the Ningaloo Reef system. The coral surrounding the islands are teeming with fish and marine life including painted crayfish. The diving has been described by Nigel Marsh in Divelog Australasia Magazine as “WORLD CLASS DIVING” and is one of his “TOP TEN DIVE SITES IN AUSTRALIA”. Fishing opportunities on and around the islands include beach fishing, fly fishing, bottom fishing and game fishing. We run fishing charters from Onslow and the Mackerel Islands, which are very popular as we only take on small groups, so everyone gets plenty of time with a line in the water.
To quote Al McGlashan on his Fish’n with Mates TV Show, the fishing is “INSANE, AWESOME, lives up to its name, and the variety of fish is simply out of this world”. Thevenard Island is a major turtle habitat and hundreds of female turtles nest on the island each year. The newly hatched turtles can be seen during the summer months as they make their race down to the safety of the ocean. On the west beach, we have our own “TURTLE HIGHWAY”, a stretch of beach where visitors have a good chance of spotting a female turtle trudging to and from the dunes during nesting season.
The Mackerel Islands are located 22km off the coast of Onslow, and can be reached by boat or plane. Onslow lies between Exmouth, Karratha and Karijini National Park. We offer daily transfers by boat, and also have moorings at the islands for the use of private boats. We are also really excited that Virgin Australia now flies daily from Perth to Onslow. We provide accommodation on two of the islands, Thevenard and Direction.
For more information, please check out the website:
- 25487 reads
Fishwrecked Photo of the Month Competition - January 2017 - WINNER MILSEY AND OLLIE
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Thu, 2017-03-09 15:47Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Fishwrecked Photo of January 2017 $200 competition. The top voted pictures will win. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Pl If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
![]() Scuttlebutt's Dogtooth
![]() Doubleheaderking's Mulloway
Milsey&Ollie's Dhufish
![]() Nacker's Tailor
Pgreen's Dogtooth
![]() Buz's John Dory
- 32869 reads welcomes new Site Sponsor - Bluewater Tackle World
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2017-03-01 12:43Hi Gang,
Please make welcome our new site sponsor; Bluewater Tackle World
We strive to provide knowledge, advice and gear at the lowest price.
Bluewater Tackle World began as a newsagency in 1933 and has now grown into the four Bluewater Tackle World stores proudly serving the West Australian Community. We are family owned and operated, and staffed by fisherman and woman who are just as passionate about fishing as you.
Whatever your fishing needs, the combined knowledge of all our staff means we have all types of fishing covered, so we will always be able to help. There is no age limit, experience required or the need to spend big to get amongst what WA has to offer. We pride ourselves on getting you out there with the knowledge and gear necessary to create some amazing memories, because for us fishing is a way of life.
Open 7 days or find us online at
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am – 8pm
Saturday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm
- 27770 reads
Fishwrecked Photo of the Month Competition - January 2017 - Round 3 Finalists - Scuttlebutt and Doubleheaderking
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2017-02-26 12:55Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Fishwrecked Photo of January 2017 $200 competition. There will be 3 rounds of 8 photos to vote for before the final. The top 2 voted pictures will go through to the final. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Pl If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
Scotto's Dhufish
![]() Doubleheaderking's Mulloway
![]() GG's Dhufish
![]() Scuttlebutt's Dogtooth
![]() Scuttlebutt's Yellowfin
![]() Be12's 'Red Snapper'
![]() Goatch's Pink Snapper
![]() Meeuwissen's Dhufish
- 27772 reads
What do you think is "THE" best tasting fish in WA
Submitted by Tim on Mon, 2017-02-20 18:22- 24 comments
- 27030 reads
Fishwrecked Photo of the Month Competition - January 2017 - Round 2 - Nackers and Milsey and Ollie through to the Final
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2017-02-19 19:23Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Fishwrecked Photo of January 2017 $200 competition. There will be 3 rounds of 8 photos to vote for before the final. The top 2 voted pictures will go through to the final. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Pl If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
![]() Nacker's Tailor
![]() Doubleheaderking's Dhufish
![]() LittleAndy's Dhufish
![]() LittleJohnny's Blue Groper
![]() DoubleJ's Dhufish
Terriblepalzy's Pink Snapper
Hicko's Red Emperor
Milsey&Ollie's Dhufish
- 27281 reads
Fishwrecked Photo of the Month Competition - January 2017 - Round 1 - Pgreen and Buz through to the Final
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2017-02-08 17:03Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Fishwrecked Photo of January 2017 $200 competition. There will be 3 rounds of 8 photos to vote for before the final. The top 2 voted pictures will go through to the final. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Pl If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 25401 reads
Fishwrecked Photo of November 2016 Winner - Scuttlebutt's Barracuda
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2017-01-24 16:49Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of November 2016 competition. The winner will get $25 deposited into their account upon winning by a significant margin as decided by Adam. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 24865 reads
$200 Photo of the Month January 2017 Comp
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2016-12-20 09:45Morning Team,
To give you some incentive to get out fishing this January after the ban (for the metro) and during the festive season and take some photos and put them on the site, I'm offering $200 cash to the best photo submitted to the site as voted by the members. There will be two runners up that will receive a $25 voucher each to either Oceanside or Compleat Nedlands. There will be 8 entry spots that I will choose to make the competition based on my opinion of a worthy entrant. Photos must be submitted in the month of January.
I will run the competition in the first week of February (and pick up my game a little bit on previous months).
All photos must be submitted as an individual image and not in forum posts.
Good fishing crew and take some extra time to get that quality pic, might be worth some cash!
Have a good holidays!!
- 29342 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of October 2016 Winner - Noxious's Dhufish
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2016-12-11 12:25Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of October 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 1 comment
- 23368 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of September 2016 Winner - SteveandHayden's Marlin
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2016-12-11 11:14Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of September 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 24195 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of August 2016 Winner - Camcas76's Red Emperor
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2016-10-16 19:45Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of August 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 23305 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of July 2016 Winner - Carnage's Red Emperor
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2016-08-29 16:39Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of July 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 22583 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of June 2016 Simmo28's Ruby
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2016-08-14 12:41Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of May 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 1 comment
- 24661 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of May 2016 Winner - The German's Pink Snapper
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2016-08-14 12:28Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of May 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 23792 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of April 2016 Winner - Amanda's Red Emperor
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2016-06-22 18:35Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of April 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 26368 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of March 2016 Competition
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2016-06-22 18:18Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of March 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 1 comment
- 22070 reads welcomes new site Sponsor - North Coast Marine Maintenance
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2016-06-08 15:10Hi Gang,
Please make welcome our new site sponsor; North Coast Marine Maintenance
North Coast Marine Maintenance specializes in Outboard and Sterndrive maintenance and repairs. Being Evinrude factory trained, I am equipped to diagnose and repair all Evinrude and Johnson faults as well as Suzuki, Yamaha, Honda and Mercury.
Being a small business means that you can deal directly with the technician for honest reliable service. We are primarily a mobile service with no call out fee, however we also have a 200 m2 workshop for larger more technical jobs.
We are able to install marine electronics, repair and fabricate boat trailers and everything in between. I am happy to give free no obligation quotes and am willing to offer $100 off annual services over winter.
- 20422 reads
Oceanside O'Connor and Compleat Nedlands Photo of February 2016 Winner - Wazza79
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2016-05-17 15:28Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of February 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 26236 reads
Oceanside and Compleat Nedlands Photo of January 2016 Competition
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2016-05-10 14:44Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of January 2016 competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 1 comment
- 22898 reads
Oceanside O'Connor and Compleat Nedlands Photo of January 2016 DHUFISH Competition - Little Johnny
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Fri, 2016-04-29 14:51Please vote for who you think is a worthy winner of the Photo of January 2016 DHUFISH competition. The winner will get to choose an item from a $25 tackle store voucher from Oceanside Tackle and Marine or Compleat Angler Nedlands, the runner up will also get a $25 voucher from one of the stores. Please check out the stories that go with the catches as well and vote for who you like. Please remember if you think you have a worthy photo for the photo of the month, you MUST add it to the site as an individual image and not only in the forums as it is too difficult for me to go through all the forum threads. If you have any questions regarding the competition or want to sponsor the POTM, then please PM me; I have chosen the 6 fish photos that I think best represent what gets caught and posted on the site. If you don't like an entry, then don't vote for it and remember it is just for fun. Cheers, Adam
- 24898 reads
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