The Ady Gil crew arrive in Fremantle tomorrow

Sea Shepherd heading to Freo for repairs

January 27, 2010,

Sea Shepherd flagship Steve Irwin will dock in Fremantle before returning to its whaling battle.

The Sea Shepherd
flagship Steve Irwin arrives in the west Australian port of Fremantle
on Thursday with the crew of the protest trimaran Ady Gil, which sank
after a collision with a ship from the Japanese whaling fleet in the
Southern Ocean.

The Ady Gil, originally known as Earthrace and
skippered by New Zealander Pete Bethune, had been part of the Sea
Shepherd group protesting at Japanese whaling.

It sank as it was being towed back to Australia after the collision.

Sea Shepherd Society said the Steve Irwin would undergo emergency
repairs to its helicopter and take on more fuel and provisions before
rejoining the battle action against the Japanese whalers.